JWS Add T-Winch Technology to the fleet

JWS Add T-Winch Technology to the fleet

April 5, 2018 | 7years | GENERAL

T-Winch Technology

We now have T-Winch Traction Assist machinery to work extremely steep slopes in a safe working manner. Before hand Harvesters and Forwarders were at their limit due to no traction or the risk of sliding on slippery terrain. Now our machines can go further due to this smart technology. The T-Winch pairs itself to the forwarder so the drum speed of the winch does the exact same spreed as the machine. This eliminates any spinning or bouncing which keeps in brash mat in good condition for diffuse pollution.
The Main Advantages Of Using T-Winch Technology On Extremely Steep Slopes Are As Follows:

  • Increased Safety
  • Greater Production Levels
  • Increasing Industry Demand Working Steep Slopes
  • Reduced Ground / Landscape Damage
  • Reduced Fuel Consumption Lowering Carbon Footprint
  • FISA Safety Guideline Compliance
We currently have a 10.1 with a pulling force of 8 tonnes.  We are also awaiting delivery on a bigger 10.2 T-Winch, arriving in September.